In early education norms, "classrooms" were interpreted as a four-walled, 35-square-foot space for each child. Today Zhengzhou education and training decoration company Hong Haotang brings everyone to enjoy a foreign, interesting early childhood education learning center, their decoration designers how.
Designers and owners work together to decide on the final plan to create a space with multiple feature areas that can better adapt to the different quality and level of early childhood teaching activities. The "courtyard" area between the houses allows children to enjoy their play, take "seeding to the table" classes at lunchtime, and other larger group activities. Each room has a lighting system tailored to its shape, and the interior is peaceful and peaceful.
On the outside of the room is a high ceiling covered with skylights, which allows natural light to be scattered through the soundproof barrier into the hall, ensuring that children can observe and feel the changes of day and night. The complete redistribution of classroom space, with a roof covered with soundproofing panels, has also had an impact on other activities within the community. On evenings and weekends where kindergarten sits without classes, the classroom's sports areas, commercial kitchens, and continuous courtyard play space sit for an expanding community.
Classroom spaces are the embodiment of unique, open and inclusive early childhood education and community lifestyles. The flexible and thoughtful design of the classroom as a private indoor space for children and teachers goes beyond the 21st-century vision of "day care", where the larger courtyard space around the classroom becomes a semi-public area where many families gather after school.