This case is the U.S. Education Center, a learning center for preschool children. The pre-school design idea comes from the client's philosophy of teaching: to create an environment that encourages children to explore discovery, and to teach using courses that children are interested in and able to learn on their own. Next, follow zhengzhou Hongxuan decoration together to see their early education decoration design.
The owners hope that the school will promote a conducive teaching atmosphere. Designers design edgy roofs with high and low windows, in order to echo the school's teaching philosophy, to bring a vibrant, worth exploring space, the designer designed a series of outdoor environment connected attention. It is worth noting that the changes in the roof and windows create a wealth of space.
Adjust the height of the windows to distinguish between the space son and adult space, allowing functional changes on the section to be integrated with outdoor terrain. In space, the designer designed a series of educational, visible passive energy harvesting systems, water resources collection systems, and geothermal systems to provide a sustainable structure. The roof was designed not only to better design energy and water resources, it also connected a sloped roof designed in 1950.