The designer regards the kindergarten as the second home of the child, where they can set up their own small social relations, and when the good people and the good things meet in the beautiful space, the designer grows a community relationship that places the body, develops the EQ, and encourages the growth of each other. Followed by the Zhengzhou Kindergarten Decoration Co., Ltd. to enjoy a kindergarten decoration design in the city of the bear.
The owner of the kindergarten wants to give the children a place to make them feel comfortable and warm, the designer takes the "It's not a small campus, it's a big family." as the design idea, and creates a "a large family" with a kind of living space and a family-style space classroom. The local underground floor of the building is used as a garage and two floors on the ground.
The external use of stable cement ash, the entrance gate using metal fence door, looks simple and low-key, but the internal space is rich and interesting. When they entered the courtyard, the colors became bright, and the building was located here in the form of a courtyard. The atrium designed a sand pool with green benches, small white stools, green plants, etc., and the children could play and have fun in it as much as they could. The unified walls of the classroom in the hospital are fresh and healthy bean green, which is warm and adds a lot of interest.
The classroom is different according to the function of use, and the design color of each classroom is different, but it is also common. Each classroom has its own creative storage area, game area, reading area, and good indoor permeability. The light of the classroom is also a series of simulated natural light sources, which can protect the child's eyes to a great extent.